*(833) Hay-4You or Kail Mantle 406-581-6501
Kail - 406-581-6501
We are happy to help you get your hay home. Call for quotes per ton delivered to your yard. We pride ourselves on efficient and high quality transportation of your baled feed. Train loads only. 48 - 52 bales per load. Discounts for large quantity or high mileage situations.
Denise - 406-570-6818
Please call for shipping quotes on your purchased baled feed or any other baled feed you may need transported. Train loads only. 48 - 52 bales per load. Discounts for large quantity or high mileage situations.
View on Face Book: MightyMouseExpress
(833) Hay-4You
We are updating our preferred hay hauler network and will continue to update list as we find great EXPERIENCED hay haulers.
BUYERS If you don't plan to haul your purchased hay with your own equipment - Hiring trucks is the buyers responsibility on all loads. We will be happy to help with any questions and encourage you to call any of the trucks on this Referrallist for more information. You will set up your deliveries directly with the driver. Rates usually vary based on quantity and miles so call directly for quotes to your location.
DRIVERS If you are interested in joining our Referred Truck list please Download the form below.
Return via email or fax to 605-787-6826.
Please Call with any questions
These trucks are being referred as experienced Hay Haulers - Please feel free to do your own research or call for more information.
Lester Earley * Earley Ranch Trucking - 406-698-8347
48 - 52 Bales per load
Wesley Huff * Huff Transport LLC - 307-620-1094
34 - 54 Bales per load
Andrew Gartside * Moo Cow Express - 406-697-4869
34 Bales per load
Currently Updating lists
We have created a chart for the sole intention of helping you the consumer have a quick chart to calculate your trucking costs to get your baled feed to your yard. It is taking into consideration bale weights as well as loaded miles for the truck(s).
Each trucking company sets their own rates as well as quality standards.
Your goal is to receive your feed as quickly and painlessly as possible no matter what quantity you purchase. What your feed cost is per ton in your yard means a great deal to your bottom line.
We would be happy to discuss your options with you if you like . Please contact us before the sale for more information.
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